22 Dec

Being a homeowner entails making difficult choices. Even though we've all heard that investing in a property raises its value, determining where and how to do it may be difficult. Is it time to renovate your kitchen? Is it time to finish the basement? Sometimes the answer isn't obvious.

The decision-making process becomes much more difficult when it comes to your HVAC system. It's difficult to know whether a broken air conditioner requires new thermostat batteries or a more thorough repair unless you're a qualified HVAC expert. 

For households with older air conditioners, the question of whether to repair or replace the machine arises frequently.

It's a big choice to replace your ageing air conditioner. Modern air conditioners may last up to fifteen years, so choosing the right one for your home's cooling needs is critical. This is not a choice that should be made hastily. However, if your older air conditioner goes down on a hot day, you may not have a choice.

You'll have to make a decision quickly

Air conditioners, like old cars, exhibit indicators of trouble before they break down completely. You may start planning for the purchase of a new air conditioner before you need it by paying attention to the functioning of your existing one.

Here are the top four symptoms that your air conditioner is on its way out.
It's been more than ten years since your air conditioner was installed.
This may seem self-evident, but if your air conditioner is growing old, you should start thinking about replacing it. 

Air conditioners, unlike furnaces, are frequently outside and exposed to fluctuating temperatures throughout the year, reducing their lifespan. Modern air conditioners have a lifespan of 15-20 years, whereas older models have a lifespan of 10-12 years.

The health and performance of your air conditioner is determined by a variety of things, including how well you maintained it during its lifetime. If you ignore the yearly A/C tune-ups, your air conditioner's lifespan may be cut short. 

How often you use the unit, how hot and humid it gets in your location, and whether or not the unit was sized right when it was purchased for your home will all effect its longevity.

Expect to replace your air conditioner in roughly 10-15 years assuming you maintained it well during its lifetime. Keep in mind that when your air conditioner becomes older, its mechanical components may become unavailable or outdated. If a broken part cannot be replaced, you will need to purchase a new device.

Your Air Conditioner Fails Frequently

Your air conditioner should not have any problems throughout the summer if you obtain yearly A/C tune-ups from skilled professionals. Many typical A/C problems are caused by a lack of maintenance, which may be avoided by having your unit serviced. 

HVAC specialists can also discover and fix any problems with your air conditioning system before the summer season starts.
replacement of the air conditioner With this in mind, if your air conditioner keeps breaking down despite routine maintenance, it's a cause for concern.

Even if you don't need an air conditioner repair right away, you should start planning ahead in case yours breaks down.

Breakdowns occur often, which necessitates regular repairs, which can be costly. It may become more cost-effective to buy a new machine than than spend money on costly repairs at some point—especially if your warranty has expired.

Your energy bills have risen dramatically

Unless your home's energy consumption fluctuates dramatically, your energy cost should remain consistent month after month, changing somewhat throughout furnace and air conditioning seasons. If your energy consumption habits haven't changed but your monthly bill has, it could be time for a new air conditioner.

Higher energy costs might mean your air conditioner isn't working properly or is losing efficiency. As an air conditioner becomes older, energy expenditures tend to rise, therefore the two concerns may be linked.

Receiving a large energy bill every now and then isn't reason for concern. However, if your energy expenses continue to rise, you may need to start searching for a new air conditioner.

R-22 Freon is used in your Air Conditioner

Freon will no longer be manufactured in the United States as of January 1, 2020. This may not appear to be a huge problem, but it might have a bigger impact on your property than you realise! If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, it most certainly uses R-22 Freon as a refrigerant. 

R-22 has been discovered to have harmful environmental consequences, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is phasing it out of usage.

Don't get too worked up if your air conditioner utilises Freon. Even when 2020 arrives, you can maintain and use your air conditioner. You should, however, begin making plans for a successor. 

There will be no Freon refills accessible after 2020 if your air conditioner breaks down and has to be repaired. At that point, you'll need to replace your air conditioner with one that doesn't utilise R-22 refrigerant.

A new air conditioner does not have to be an unexpected expense. If you pay attention to your air conditioner's functioning, you'll be able to tell when it's time to replace it.

Give us a call if you think your air conditioner is reaching the end of its life. Our knowledgeable HVAC professionals can assist you in selecting the best air conditioner for your home's budget and cooling requirements.

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